The 3rd edition of EUROBRIDGE, a conference on bridge safety in Europe, will be held in Brussels on 5 April 2024.
The invited speakers and experts will discuss maintenance models, as well as carbon impact of failed maintenance and the training of skilled technicians and engineers to provide effective support.
Germany will notably present its model, to modernise bridges. While Italy will share concrete examples of remarkable rehabilitation of structures.
Bridges are essential for our road and rail networks, and are fundamental for the social and economic development of our societies. However, most of them need increasingly extensive rehabilitation work. This represents a huge potential for construction companies, all over Europe.
It is necessary for Contractors to make their respective public services aware of the risks caused by the lack of maintenance on bridges. More and more accidents witness this issue.
We estimate a number of one million bridges in Europe.
The lack of knowledge about these structures is very often intertwined with the lack of awareness and information about safety. A bridge is a fragile structure designed to meet high resistance requirements, while ageing and deteriorating.
We can and must act together!
Do not miss this event that will take place at the Hotel Le Plaza, Brussels.
For more details and upcoming updates on Eurobridge 2024, including information on past editions, check-out the home page of
The 3rd edition of the event is supported by FIEC and FNTP's media partner KHL with their specialised "Construction Europe" news magazine.
FNTP (Federation National des Travaux Publics) is FIEC's French member federation.
Registration EUROBRIDGE 2024 .pdf