
FIEC Newsletter 2023


New publication: FIEC Annual Report 2023 is online - Read or download the "FIEC Manifesto for Action EU Term 2024-2029" - Agreement reached on revised Construction Products Regulation (CPR) - FIEC at MOBICCON-PRO conference on Circular Construction - EFBWW Congress in Helsinki - Construction 2050 Alliance released its "Call and commitment for the new EU political term" - "Achieving Carbon and Resource Neutrality in the European Construction sector": New joint publication by FIEC, EIC and ENCORD - FIEC's warmest Season's Greetings. 



FIEC publishes its position on the Late Payments proposal - EU institutions agree on new Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) - Under negotiation: Revision of the Regulation on the Coordination of Social Security Systems - FIEC in Paris for its General Assembly on 7/12 - FIEC-EIC-CICA Joint Conference on Sustainable Finance for Quality Infrastructure and Housing.



First VP Piero Petrucco meets President Ursula von der Leyen and VP Maroš Šefčovič at the EU "Clean Industries Dialogue" - New Renewable Energy Directive now in force - Apprenticeships in the construction sector: FIEC Chairwoman on Sub-Commission on VET, Angela Martina, intervenes in thematic meeting - FIEC at international Workshop on EU Green Deal and Employment.



EU Taxonomy: new technical criteria published in the EU Official Journal - United Nations Emissions Gap Report 2023 - EU Housing Crisis: Gijón Declaration - EU Talent Mobility Package - MOBICCON-PRO project: 2nd General Assembly - FIEC & EIC - European International Contractors Key Message on CSDDD Trilogue and the Construction sector.


"Recovery Construction Forum 2.0" on 14 & 15 November, Warsaw - FIEC & EFBWW signed "Memorandum of Understanding" on sustainable reconstruction of Ukraine - FIEC at public hearing on EU Soil Monitoring Law - EU institutions agree on Critical Raw Materials Act - Provisional agreement on revised Environmental Crimes Directive - Coordination of Social Security systems on the Council of the European Union's table - SIDE-CIC project: Survey on Social ID Cards in construction - DESOCO 2 project: first meeting, 15 November in Warsaw - "Ukraine Green Recovery Conference" launched by the European Commission to be held from 28 November to 1st December in Vilnius.



EU Construction-friendly deal reached on "Nature Restoration Law" - European Commission's "European Wind Power Action Plan" - Germany's package to speed up rollout of new infrastructure projects - FIEC's contribution to "Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda 2030" released by ECTP - EU/China Dialogue: Commissioner Thierry Breton in China to discuss digital and industry files - SOKA-BAU: "Europe Day of the German Construction Industry" held on 08/11.



Recovery Construction Forum 2.0 "Rebuild Ukraine" on 14/11 in Warsaw - Construction Products Regulation (CPR) onging discussions - EU Carbon Market successful in reducing emissions - EU "Blue Dea": Guiding principles published - EP hearing on Late Payments.



24/10: FIEC at "EU High-Level Construction Forum" on the Pact for Skills - 25/10: FIEC at 2023 "Off-Highway Conference" hosted by KHL Group - 24/10: New Position Paper and Press Release on Soil Monitoring Law - EU to accelerate emissions cut, European Commission says - 14 and 15/11, in Warsaw: ReBuild Ukraine & "Recovery Construction Forum" - EU OSHA launched new campaign on Safe and Healthy Work in the digital age - ELA: new campaign #EU4FairConstruction and Forum on Posting of Workers.



FIEC-EIC Task Force "Ukraine": Chairman visits Ukraine - "EU Taxonomy Stakeholder Request Mechanism" open until 15/12 - EU Webinar on "Whole Life Carbon Emissions of Buildings" of 17/10 - European Commission to establish a 2040 Climate target - 8th meeting of ELA Stakeholders’ group - European Parliament adopts its position on "Ukraine Facility".



FIEC President, Philip Crampton, intervenes at the Annual Conference of the Irish Construction Industry Federation (CIF)- Launch of European Labour Authority campaign on Construction - FIEC at BIM Conference on Construction - FIEC participates in event on "Solving Europe's water problem" - Renewable Energy Directive formally adopted - FIEC Position Paper on the Shortage of Labour.



On 29/09, the Construction 2050 Alliance launched discussions on the path towards EU2024 elections - Carbon border mechanism started transitional phase as of 01/10 - MEPs approved on 05/10 new EU Green Deal Chief and designate-Climate Commissioner - SIDE-CIC: 04/10 First meeting of the Steering Group - New Video teaser: FIEC Statistical Report 2023.



FIEC president speaks at 24th "BIBM Congress" in Amsterdam - FIEC participates in event on "Financing the Energy Renovations of Buildings" - Launch of ELA’s Report on Construction - 26/09 Visit of Danish delegation to FIEC offices - FIEC at Off-Highway Conference on 25/10.



New recast Energy Efficiency Directive published in Official Journal - EU institutions & agencies mobilised for skills needs (EU-OSHA event) - EU Transport Ministers sign Declaration on Mobility in Barcelona - European Commission holds Webinar on Life Cycle Emissions of Buildings and Taxonomy.



Soil Monitoring Law + Feedback by 3/11 + SOTEU by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen delivered on 13/9 + EU Green Deal addressed in Ursula von der Leyen's SOTEU + 13/9 Lisbon: Eurodétachement FELM project + SIDE-CIC Project: first Steering Group meeting / Social ID cards + Late Payment Directive + Critical Raw Materials.



EFBWW and FIEC board meeting in Brussels - First "EU Blue Deal" proposal - European Commission's Consultation on Whole life carbon emissions in buildings - Investing in the Green Deal - EU Communication on Digitalisation in Social Security coordination - On 27/09: FIEC President speaks at BIBM, Amsterdam - Open Call for Tender: SIDE-CIC project external experts.



FNTP elects new President, Alain Grizaud - Routes des France's new President: Jean-Pierre Paseri - Watch new video of FIEC Conference & GA held on 12/5 in Rome - CPR & Nature Restoration Law - Sustainable Finance & CSRD: European Commission adopts new reporting rules - Maroš Šefčovič temporarily in charge of "EU Green Deal" following Frans Timmermans' departure.



European Commission publishes proposal for "Soil Monitoring Law" - Taxonomy is becoming common market practice, says EU Finance Commissioner - FELM Project - Final deliverables online - New project on Social ID Cards in Construction - 30 June: Visit of Japanese researchers - New FIEC digital brochure of Annual Report 2022 is online - FIEC Newsletter soon "on holidays": Back on 5 September!



FIEC Statistical Report 2023 - Nature Restoration Law - Pace of the green transition still slow - European Commission's survey on provision of services in construction - Political deal on Asbestos - 10th Anniversary of the EAfA.



Update on Nature Restoration Law - LIFE programme: new Call for Proposals - Deadline: November - EUSEW2023 - TEN-T: new support lines & "lanes" - New Ukraine Facility launched by the European Commission - Spain gets ready for 1 July: "EU2023ES", the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, is kicking off - European Labour Authority: Annual Conference held on 20/06 with focus on labour mobility.



European Commission on taxonomy circular economy criteria - FIEC participated in the Workshop launched by UNIDO on 13 June, with focus on the "Green" Reconstruction of Ukraine - Mr Laurențiu Plosceanu re-elected President of ARACO - Connecting Europe Facility: European Commission associates Ukraine to the EU programme - EU-OSHA tackles Mental Health at Work - MOBICCON-PRO project & "Sustainable Places" conference held on 16 June under the Horizon Europe EU-funding programme.



Mr Michail Daktylidis re-elected President of PEDMEDE GR (2023-2026) - EU Soil Health: next update on 5 July - EU Council on the Nature Restoration Law - EU-OSHA addresses Heat at Work: guidance for #workplaces - EP on Due Diligence - "Making Skills Count": outcomes of EU Conference held on 8-9 June in Brussels.



French Senate delegation visit at FIEC to tackle energy efficiency + EPP Group withdraws negotiations on Nature Restoration Law + DESOCO 2 - New EU Social Dialogue project+ FIEC/EBC joint call on Asbestos at Work + Eurobridge: 3rd edition on 05/04/2024 + Video interview with Aleksi Randell - DG of CFCI Rakennusteollisuus RT, FIEC's Finnish member federation.



European Parliament IMCO votes on the new construction products rules / CPR (Rapporteur: MEP Christian Doleschal) - FIEC & ELA on undeclared work - OSHA EU Agency: Stockholm Summit, health & safety at work in the spotlight & Joint Declaration by FIEC & EFBWW - FIEC President, Philip Crampton, joined the European Policy Centre's Online Policy Dialogue to debate about the opportunities and key challenges of circular economy for the construction sector - EU-funded project TANSIRC 2 - Webinar 25/05 with EFBWW & AEIP - Project MOBICCON-PRO, funded by Horizon Europe: General Assembly in Sofia (BG) 25-26/5.



Special issue on FIEC Annual Conference & General Assembly in Rome - 12 May, 2023



Michel Barnier at FIEC Conference in Rome to prepare our messages to the candidates of the EU 2024 Elections & Announcement of 2 FIEC Honorary Presidencies + EU Parliament wants to speed up standardisation process + World’s most and least expensive cities to build in + The Year of Skills 2023 is officially launched + 7 May 2023 - Open Day of Construction work sites organised by Embuild.



FIEC contribution to the public consultation on Taxonomy Environmental Act - FIEC intervenes in ECCREDI Council meeting - Asbestos: EP ready to negotiate with Council - New data on skills developments and trends in construction by CEDEFOP - 11 May: Business Forum in Kyiv - EP JURI Committee adopts its position on Due Diligence Directive.



European Commission's Webinar of 25/4 with focus on digital transition in construction - IMCO/European Parliament issued opinion on new rules for construction products - Visit in Brussels of FIEC's Finnish member federation Rakennusteollisuus (RT) - EU-Norway 'Green Alliance' announced - FELM project: Outcomes of the Final Conference & Joint Recommendations by FIEC and EFBWW - European Labour Authority on social ID cards & undeclared work.



Joint Recommendations on the Reconstruction of Ukraine + What will the Reconstruction of Ukraine cost? + EP adopts revised Emissions Trading System + High Level Construction Forum: EC webinar on the green transition + EC takes Portugal and Slovakia to Court of Justice of EU over the Late Payment Directive + Asbestos: FIEC warns against unrealistic demands by the EP.



EU Taxonomy: improvements still needed, despite more balanced criteria - Top 20 European construction companies 2013-2022 by sales - FELM project: Final Conference - Visit of FRTP Ile-de-France delegation to FIEC - Eurobridge 2023: tackling Europe's bridge maintenance deficit.



EU Taxonomy: draft environmental Delegated Act published - EC's clarification on working time rules - EuroBridge 2023: tackling maintenance deficit in Europe -  Non-road mobile machinery EU proposal.



EU reports on labour shortages - Construction Blueprint: project end - New FIEC Vice-President for France: Jean-Pierre Paseri - Renewable energy benchmark of 49% of energy consumption in buildings by 2030 - EC guidance on adapting buildings to climate change.



Outcome of Recovery Construction Forum, Warsaw 15/02 - Digitalisation of construction SMEs Website: new trainings - ELA 2023 Construction campaign - Late payments: update of EU rules -ELA's call for good practices in construction.



HL Construction Forum & Transition Pathway - EP position on EPBD recast - Critical raw materials - FELM project: final conference, Vienna 25/04 - EU Report on skills shortage & structural changes after COVID.



European Commission gives boost to digitalisation of Social ID Cards and social security - Energy Efficiency Directive: agreement reached by EU institutions on renovation targets for the public sector - Farewell to Maxime Verhagen as President of Koninklijke Bouwend Nederland - New EU Sanctions against Russia (10th package) - Eurobridge14/04/2023: the ''Maintenance Book'' of bridges.



EU Survey on circular approaches - "Net Zero Industry Act" proposal - Final Conference of FELM project - FIEC responds to consultation on Foreign Subsidies.



Nature Restoration Law - Study on draft taxonomy criteria - Construction Blueprint final dissemination event - EUROBRIDGE conference hosted in Brussels on 14 April 2023.



MEPs on the importance of ebergy efficiency, raw materials, public procurement and skills - Posting of workers: kick off of new EU funded project - ELA work programme 2023 - FIEC at the Recovery Construction Forum in Warsaw - EC consultation on EU learning mobility.



New ''Platform 2.0'' on Sustainable Finance: Construction is not represented - European Parliament approves position on EPBD - BUILD UP & FIEC - EUROBRIDGE 2023 Symposium on 14 April - FIEC contributes to the Public Consultation on screening and registering asbestos in buildings - EU sectoral social partners ask the European Commission to effectively support sectoral social dialogue.



European Commission presents its Green Deal Industrial Plan – EPBD compromise deal – Joint Statement FIEC/EBC on Asbestos at work - Due Diligence: FIEC/EIC key messages - Recovery Construction Forum on 15/02 in Warsaw - Construction Blueprint: final dissemination event on 22/02.



Construction Products: Parliament considers amendments - EUSEW 2023: key deadlines - FIEC on 'alternative taxonomy' - Workshop on third country national companies and workers in the EU (held on 26.01.2023) - European Commission launches consultation on the revision of the Late Payment Directive - Construction Blueprint: final dissemination event 22/02/2023.



Digitalisation of Construction SMEs on the dedicated Website: new training dates - Save the date 22/02/2023: Construction Blueprint final dissemination event - MOBICCON-PRO project: official launch - MFA+ package to Ukraine - Save the Date 15/02/2023 Ukraine ''Recovery Construction Forum'' in Warsaw - FIEC's hiring.



Save the Date 14/04: EUROBRIDGE2023 in Brussels - Latest updates from EMEcs project on Covid impact - EU Action Plan for pending EADs in the OJEU - Timo Vikström: new President of FIEC Finnish member federation - CPR amendments - 13/01/2023 Meeting of the Construction 2050 Alliance - New European Bauhaus & EPBD.



Swedish EU Council Presidency has started! EU2023SE - Intra-EU #labour mobility after the pandemic - EU-funded R&I Framework Programmes: Consultation open until 23/02/2023 - EVP Frans Timmermans in Kyiv to discuss green reconstruction in Ukraine & renewable energy.



Save the Date: 14/04 EUROBRIDGE 2023 in Brussels - EMEcs project on Covid impact - EU Action Plan for pending EADs in the OJEU - Timo Vikström: new President of FIEC Finnish member federation - CPR amendments - Meeting of the Construction 2050 Alliance - New European Bauhaus & EPBD.

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