Completed Projects

Information modules Asbestos

Project Presentation

  1. Over the last few decades, the European Union has progressively banned the manufacture, distribution and trading of asbestos and has regulated activities related to the destruction of this material. However, asbestos remains a deadly material and despite an extensive ban and intensive efforts for eliminating it can still be found in many different places, such as, for example, in public and private buildings.

The companies specialised in removing asbestos are covered by a very strict legislative framework, with stringent requirements in terms of training and qualifications needed, of protective measures, of process monitoring, etc.

But also those companies, in particular SMEs, and workers who are faced with asbestos only occasionally need to be provided with specific information and knowledge about asbestos containing materials, i.e. where and when they can be found, how to identify them, how to proceed with these materials, etc.

The aims of these easily understandable information modules is therefore to help the employers and workers in the construction sector to understand possible risk situations and about the appropriate measures to be undertaken for safe working.

Starting/ending date

  1. Start: 2011 
  2. End: 2012

Co-Financing Source

  1. DG EMPL

Contact details

  1. FIEC
  2. Email:
  3. Tel: +32 2 514.55.35

  5. FETBB
  6. Email: 
  7. Tel: +32 2 227.10.40

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