Completed Projects

Decentralized Thematic Social Dialogue for the Construction Industry (DESOCO)


The European Social partners of the construction industry, FIEC and the EFBWW (European Federation of Building and Wood Workers) have established one of the first European Sectoral Social Dialogue Committees. Over the years, both organisations have continuously re-affirmed their long-term commitment to develop sustainable industrial relations.

Within this framework the EFBWW and FIEC committed “to intensify their collaboration with a view to further strengthen industrial relations in the construction industry at EU-level” and to “strengthen and better coordinate joint research of the European social dimension of the construction industry”.


Moreover, in the light of the rising number of challenges for the European construction sector, the European social partners of the construction industry decided to organise several decentralised social dialogue thematic discussions which cover the most important upcoming challenges of the European construction labour market.


  1. The main objective of the project is to discuss the social and economic challenges which will determine the future construction labour market (i.e in the fields of employment, health and safety and vocational education and training). 

STARTING in 2020 / ENDING in 2022 

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