Completed Projects

Paritarian Social Funds in the Construction Industry

Project Presentation

The European sectoral social partners of the construction industry, FIEC and the EFBWW (European Federation of Building and Wood Workers), in collaboration with the AEIP (European Association of Paritarian Institutions), developed a website with the aim of presenting an overview of the paritarian funds existing in the various member States in the construction industry.

Such paritarian funds are established, funded and managed by the social partners themselves and often fulfill a complementary role to the existing governmental structures, mainly in the area of vocational training, health and safety, sectoral pensions and paid holiday schemes.

For this reason this website is part of a wider initiative aiming at further promoting the development of paritarian funds across the EU, in particular in those countries where they do not exist yet.


Paritarian Social Funds in the Construction Industry

Starting/ending date

  1. Start: 2010
  2. End: 2011

Co-Financing Source

DG EMPL - Social Affairs and Inclusion

Contact details

  1. FIEC
  3. Email: 
  4. Phone:+32 2 514 55 35 

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