
Partnership Agreement FIEC-European Parliament on joint communication action for the European Elections 2024 - "" initiative and "Use your Vote" campaign

FIEC is honoured to announce the signature of its Partnership Agreement with the European Parliament (EP) for the 2024 European Elections #UseYourVote campaign and the initiative. The apolitical campaign aims to raise awareness and engagement among EU citizens, employers, workers, multipliers, industry organisations and - in the case of FIEC as representative of the European construction community - to inform about the importance of voting in the upcoming European Elections (EE2024) scheduled for 6-9 June 2024.

As part of this partnership, FIEC has been sharing and promoting the campaign's materials, providing information about the 2024 elections, and more, through its digital newsletters, its Social Media and the other communication tools. FIEC is leveraging its network and partners to relay and distribute these messages and materials on various platforms and channels. The campaign goals and actions were also discussed with the federation's members and partners, particularly during the last Communication Experts' meeting held on 23 April 2024 and chaired by FIEC. By collaborating with the European Parliament for the EE2024 campaign, FIEC aims to help create a more informed, participatory, and representative democracy in the EU.


Over the past months, the EP has kept live and updated the EU Elections official website and has worked on the creation of a series of inspiring videos for the #UseYourVote campaign. One of the videos aims to pass a message to the young generation about the importance of democracy - and why voting matters. It was released to the public on 29 April, thus marking the launch of the latest phase of thr campaign with a single common goal: getting out the vote and having one's voice heard at EU level. The EP counts on FIEC (and FIEC counts on its members and networks) and the other campaign partners to make the video go viral and ideally create new spin-off actions around the proposed themes and messages.


Watch this video with a keynote statement addressed by the European Parliament President, Roberta Metsola, who is meeting the partner organisations in Brussels (FIEC included) and recalling the importance of partners ahead of European Elections during the event on 6 May at the European Parliament. Jaume Duch Guillot, Director General of the EP DG COMM and the EP Director of Campaigns, Philipp Schulmeister, and Director of Liaison Offices, Stephen Clark, will also deliver a keynote address and welcome the partners organisations for the individual photo opportunity.

On 23 April, the EP Partnership Team (DG COMM of the European Parliament) presentated the EP Spring Eurobarometer Survey's results. This new survey provides a unique opportunity to assess the state of European public opinion just ahead of the European Elections.

The survey covers key issues such as: Europeans' attitudes towards the EU, indicators of voting behaviour & reasons to vote/abstain, campaign issues, key political priorities and values, opinions on the international situation, other aspects. It shows there is an overall positive trend, with several key electoral indicators going up. These include:

- 60% now say they are interested in voting in June, 11 percentage points higher than in February/March 2019
- 71% say that it is likely that they will vote, 10 percentage points higher than in February/March 2019

For more information about the survey, visit this website.


Explore the EE2024 campaign website of the European Parliament and save the Elections dates on your calendar! Here is the link with all relevant information.


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