
FIEC Newsletter 2024


FIEC VP Laureantiu Plosceanu at the launch of the European Employers’ Institute (EEI) - Candidate-Commissioner Séjourné to revise Public Procurement Directives - Hearings of candidate-Commissioners in November - Transposition of Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive due in 17 EU Member States.


FIEC welcomes the proposed Commissioner for Housing - Connecting Europe Facility, Transport: €2.5 billion to boost resilience and safety across the EU - Recovery Construction Forum 3.0 "Rebuild Ukraine": 13-14 November - 24 October: TANSIRC2 project Final Conference - New "Video of the Month": Interview with Niko Demeester, Embuild CEO.



President von der Leyen proposed her college of candidate Commissioners - EU Commission reinforces its supports to Ukraine - Report on subcontracting in the construction sector in Belgium - Dresden Carola Bridge collapses - “EU End-of-Waste criteria: Background data collection” report is out.



FIEC attends the "European Roundtable on Climate Resilience" - Draghi's Report on the "Future of European Competitiveness" - Exposure to Carcinogens at Work: New EU Website to raise awareness - Exposure to Carcinogens at Work: New EU Website to raise awareness - Eurofound Report on Company Practices to tackle Labour Shortages.



Next European Commission' jobs nominated - Revision of Member States' Employment policy guidelines - European Labour Authority published booklet on construction activities - Recovery Construction Forum 3.0 - Warsaw, 13/14 November - "EU Construction and Demolition Waste Management Protocol" - Romania celebrates the National Builder's Day.



European Parliament holds first plenary - The Council of the EU adopts its position on an EU Talent Pool - Built4People Stakeholder Forum - 23 September, Luxembourg - CIF Annual Conference - 24 September, Dublin - AI Act enters into force - 'WaterWiseEU' campaign: latest updates and highlights - New Video of the Month: Reactions to our Construction Manifesto - EU Term 2024-2029.



Joint Statement calling for an ambitious European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (FP10) - EU Council to strengthen the bloc's 'Water Resilience' - European Parliament approved new Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) - European Commission disburses additional €1.9 billion to Ukraine - Join the Pact for Skills in Construction - FIEC Newsletter will be "on holidays": Back in September!



Hungary takes over rotating EU Presidency - New EU top jobs and agenda: What's next? - REACH: FIEC warns against reclassification of recycled aggregates - EU opens accession negotiations with Ukraine - 5th Anniversary of the European Labour Authority - FIEC's position on the "Letta Report on the future of the Single Market" - New! FIEC Video of the Month: Feedback on FIEC-EIC Conference "Building the Change" - 17 May 2024.



FIEC German federations issue emergency call regarding bridge construction - Maintenance of bridges: Site visit to Essen - Belgian Presidency launched Roadmap on Carcinogens 3.0 - EAfA Annual Conference: Apprenticeships and Labour shortages - EU Soil Monitoring Law: Council adopts negotiating position - Member States' concerns about impact of heavy goods vehicles on their infrastructure - EU Council approves new TEN-T guidelines - AccessibleEU European Event - Smart Cities: Enhancing Urban Design and Mobility for All.



European Elections 2024: Provisional Results - ELA Annual Conference: Navigating Europe’s Labour Mobility landscape - Ukraine Recovery Conference 2024 – Side event - Member States give final green light to EU Nature Restoration Law - EU-OSHA campaign: new priority on Automation of tasks - Update of "SOEs in Europe": FIEC's Interactive Map of third Country State-Owned enterprises.



FIEC Statistical Report 2024 is out - 14 June: Final Conference of the Eurodétachement project - 5 June: delegation visited FIEC - Video of the Month: Philippe Dessoy, President of CICA, interviewed by FIEC.



MOBICCON-PRO Project: General Assembly - France and Germany adopt ‘competitiveness’ guidelines to set EU agenda - European Sustainable Energy Week: 11-13 June - NEW! Online in Ukrainian language: FIEC & EIC Manifesto for Action - EU Term 2024-2029 - FIEC becomes Ambassador of "Water Wise EU" campaign - Update on "Late Payments".



PEDMEDE's President sadly passed away - FIEC takes part in online debate on new EPBD - Pact for Skills: 6 June, Networking event for members and potential members - SIDE-CIC Project Workshop in Brussels - EU Green Week 2024 focuses on water resilience - Reminder: "Use Your Vote" from 6 to 9 June 2024 at the  European Elections.



Special issue on: FIEC-EIC Conference 17/05/2024 "Building the change : How can construction help lead the way to 2050?" - Photo selection from the FIEC-EIC Conference 17/05 and festive dinner 16/05 - New President, Piero Petrucco, and FIEC Steering Committee elected (mandate 2024-2026) - FIEC to speak at Euractiv event on the revision of the EPBD on 23/05.



EU Green Week 2024: Registration is open! - Posting of workers: European Commission’s Report published
Letta published Report on future of the Single Market - New Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) now published in the EU Official Journal - EU Foreign Affairs Council discusses Ukraine Plan.



Karel Lannoo as keynote speaker at FIEC-EIC Conference - Partnership Agreement ceremony with EP President Roberta Metsola - EURES Report on Construction Labour Shortages and Surpluses 2023 - FIEC at event of European Year of Skills - Paola Malabaila to represent FIEC in online panel on new EPBD - MOBICCON-PRO project: Survey on CDW management in Europe.


FIEC at the Clean Transition Dialogue on Construction - First Vice President Petrucco at the "High Level Construction Forum" - DESOCO 2: Project Meeting in Vilnius - Late Payments, Due Diligence and TEN-T: key decisions taken by European Parliament - FIEC welcomes Council conclusions on "EU competitiveness deal".



Farewell to Ulrich Paetzold - FIEC presents its Manifesto for the EU Elections at the European Parliament - FIEC and Ukrainian member CBU speak at World Circular Economy Forum - FIEC welcomes decision to postpone sectoral reporting standards - Feedback opportunity for "Horizon Europe 2025" - La Hulpe Declaration on the Future of Social Europe - European Commission endorses "Ukraine Plan".



European Commission's Action Plan to tackle Labour and Skills shortages - European Parliament endorses Report on Late Payments - FIEC welcomes opening of debate on 2040 climate target and plans to promote CCU/S technologies - EU Council Vote on Nature Restoration Law postponed - Visit of Koninklijke Bouwend Nederland's delegation - Pact for Skills Forum: Unlocking skills potential across Europe - EFFC Health & Safety Innovation Awards 2024 - Open Call for Tenders: External Experts for the SIDE-CIC project - Angela Martina (FIEC) at OECD Infrastructure Forum, 10 April Eurobridge 2024: Alert "bridges": a Word from Christian Tridon.



125th Anniversary of ZDB (Zentralverband Deutsches Baugewerbe) - FIEC speaks at hearing on "EU Blue Deal" - EU Council reaches agreement on new "Due diligence" rules - European Parliament votes in favour of agreement on "EPBD" - Urban Intergroup and Construction 2050 Alliance call for action:  “Delivering housing solutions”: event on 9 April - CIF Health & Safety Summit: 14 May 2024 in Dublin - "Eurodétachement" project: new Paper on “Third-country Nationals on the EU Labour Market” - "Eurobridge" conference: What's new in the 3rd edition?



FIEC Vice-President Paseri on decarbonising transport infrastructure - FIEC recommends voting in favour of "Buildings Directive" EPBD - FIEC shares "Blue Deal" position with key EU leaders - ECTP's 20th Anniversary - FIEC supports "Antwerpen Declaration for a European Industrial Deal" - Liege Declaration: “Affordable, decent and sustainable Housing for all”.



Ukraine War: 2 years since the start of hostilities - FIEC and EIC jointly call for a stronger EU Water Policy - SIDE-CIC Project: 2nd Steering Group meeting in Rome - European Parliament adopts controversial Nature Restoration Law - Due Diligence proposal blocked in the EU Council - Adoption of new limit values for lead and diisocyanates.



Pact for Skills Forum, 21-22 March: Unlocking the skills potential across Europe - MOBICCON-PRO: Subscribe
to the Project Newsletter - Bouw Forum Construction 2024 - "Grand Debat Electoral" - 4 March: FIEC to speak at SolarPower Summit 2024 - EU agrees on new Air Quality Directives - German Liberals call to renegotiate EU Due Diligence Directive - FIEC Manifesto for EU Elections: now available in Finnish, German and Romanian - FIEC VP Paseri speaks at the EP Intergroup on "Sustainable long-term investments".


Conference on Reconstruction of Ukraine, 15 February in Athens - Co-legislators approve new rules on TEN-T - Member States postpone vote on Due Diligence - "Water Resilience Initiative": European Commission withdraws dossier from its agenda - Internal Market Committee approves Agreement on Construction Products - Bouw Forum Construction: "Grand Debat Electoral" on 23 February in Brussels.



European Commission recommends new intermediate emissions reduction target of 90% for 2040 - Call for commitments for the Construction Transition Pathway - 20th ECTP anniversary: 5-6 March, Brussels - INTERMAT, 24-27 April 2024: FIEC Director General's Verbatim - FIEC participates in the high-level conference on Mental Health and Work - MOBICCON-PRO project: A "Circular Journey".



INFO-POW: Vice-President Pavol Kovacik joined Final Conference - EU Leaders agree on Ukraine Facility - Val Duchesse Social Partners Summit: Tripartite Declaration signed - New "Video of the Month": Interview with Tim-Oliver Müller (Bauindustrie) - European Commission launches two consultations on investments in energy efficiency - Eurobridge Conference on 5 April : A Word by Christian Tridon.



FIEC Construction Manifesto for EU elections: Now available online in 7 languages - EPBD: Op-ed by President Philip Crampton - New CPR: A major improvement for contractors - Evaluation of the ELA's mandate - European Commission proposes new initiatives to strengthen economic security.



FIEC EU at the Belgian "Renovation Week" - Trowers & Hamlins joined FIEC as Supporting Member - EU Data Act enters into force - "Water Resilience" Strategy - ConTech Summit 18-19 March 2024 in Austin (Texas) - EU OSHA's Healthy Workplaces campaign: new tool "OSHwiki".



New FIEC statement on EU Energy Performance of Buildings Directive - 18 January: FIEC President to speak at Belgian "Renovation Week" - Start of application of new Sustainable Finance criteria for Circular Economy - Council to start talks with European Parliament on Ukraine Facility - Study on the access to information of companies regarding the posting of workers - EUROBRIDGE 5 April 2024: How to ensure bridge safety?



Belgian EU Presidency: What priorities for our sector? - FIEC's statement on agreed Nature Restoration Law - Payments disbursed under the Recovery and Resilience Facility - Spanish version of the "FIEC Manifesto for Action EU term 2024-2029" is online - Season's Greetings: FIEC wishes Happy New Year 2024!

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