Completed Projects

FELM - Better Functioning of the European labour Market

Better Functioning of the European labour Market (FELM)

In 2020, the European Social partners of the construction industry (FIEC and EFBWW) adopted their multiannual work program for the construction industry covering a four-year period (2020-2023). 

FIEC and EFBWW have strongly emphasized the European labour market challenges linked to the increased number of third country national companies and workers:

  • Third countries companies on the EU construction market – a stronger presence of construction companies from third countries is observed, visible either via the takeover of European companies or through biddings in European tender procedures.
  • Third country posted workers on the EU construction labour market – it is noted that an increasing number of posted workers from third countries (such as China; Venezuela, Ukraine; the Philippines) enter the EU and in particular construction industry.


The main objective of the project is to assess the specific (social and economic) challenges linked to the increased number of third country national companies and workers on the labour market in the construction industry and potentially present a series of recommendations. 

The project has a twofold approach, i.e. focusing on both business and workers challenges.


The project started in June 2021 and ended in May 2023.

Among the outcomes of the Final Conference were the joint FELM Recommendations issued by FIEC and EFBWW on 25th April 2023. They are available here below in English, French, German and Italian as well as the Executive Summary.  Check out also the full report here.


FELM - Full Report

FELM - Executive Summary 


Background information:

Annex 1 – 2020-2023 Multiannual action programme ESD Construction

Annex 2 – FELM Project description

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