Strong concerns were expressed about the potential negative impact of the Commission’s services e-card on certain services sectors.
At a public hearing organised by the social partners of three sectors directly affected by the proposal – the construction, cleaning and insurance industries – the potential impact and far reaching social consequences of the proposed e-card on these sectors were examined.
See the complete press release
Programme - Practical Hearing of 8/9/2017
download all presentations:
- The Construction sector's view:
Presentation of Mr Vincent Detemmerman-Construction Confederation on behalf of FIEC
Presentation of Mr Dietmar Schäfers-IG-BAU on behalf of EFBWW
- The Insurance sector's view:
Presentation of Mr Soren Viltoft Baatrup on behalf of Insurance Europe
- The Cleaning sector's view:
Presentation of Mrs Hilde Engels-ABSU/UGBN on behalf of EFCI
Presentation of Mr Nicolas Deprets-CG FGTB on behalf of Uni-Europa