News 2018

FIEC partner of #moreEUbudget4transport at TEN-T DAYS 2018

On 27th April, in the framework of the TEN-T DAYS 2018 in Ljubljana, Slovenia, the coalition of more than 40 organisations - including FIEC - which has been carrying the #moreEUbudget4transport campaign for several months, handed over to the European Commission its official "Ljubljana Declaration". 

This Declaration calls for a more ambitious EU budget for transport in the next multi-annual financial framework (MFF post-2020) considering altogether the needs to and strong added value of investing in this field.

Concretely, the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) should be reinforced accordingly.

Read the Ljubljana Declaration  and watch the video: .

FIEC President Kjetil Tonning participated in a session dedicated to transport digitalisation. 
At this occasion, he recalled the fast growing importance of digitalisation in the construction sector and namely for the development of smart infrastructure (e.g. connected roads). He also advocated for a closer collaborative working between all players in the value chain, from the contractors to the transport operators.

Finally, he highlighted that FIEC is partner of the campaign #moreEUbudget4transport which calls for an ambitious EU budget for transport after 2020


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