BIM-SPEED launches EU BIM for Building Renovation Competition for construction professionals and students
The EU funded BIM-SPEED project partners are pleased to announce the launch of the “EU BIM for Building Renovation Competition” which will take place from 21 June 2021 to 21 January 2022
The “EU BIM for Building Renovation Competition” competition aims to bring together multi-disciplinary teams active in the design and construction industry to present a building renovation project that applies the Building Information Model (BIM) tools and methods developed by the BIM-SPEED partners, on their own or in conjunction with other tools available on the market. The challenge is to develop a renovation project using BIM in a way that results in energy savings for the occupants, improves their comfort while at the same time reducing the duration and cost of the overall renovation process.
The competition is free of charge for the participants and divided in two categories: professionals and students. Both categories include prizes for the three teams that best demonstrate the use of BIM-SPEED tools. For the student category, the team leader should be enrolled in an academic programme from an accredited educational institution.
For all detailed information related to the competition, including registration process, please visit the BIM-SPEED website.
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