
Philippe Dessoy, CICA President, interviewed by FIEC

FIEC questioned Mr Philippe Dessoy, President of the CONFEDERATION OF INTERNATIONAL CONTRACTORS' ASSOCIATIONS (CICA) to communicate on how CICA works to encourage the adoption of sustainable standards in the construction sector and on further initiatives.

CICA is FIEC's longlasting partner. It is a non-profit, voluntary and global association of trade organisations representing member construction companies from their respective regions. CICA speaks for the construction industry on technical, legal and political matters of international concern and provides a forum for fellowship, cooperation and interaction with member federations and linked institutions. It is also acting as a "club" for contractors of any size and as a "representative of interests" at international level interacting with worldwide public bodies. among other objectives, CICA encourages the exchange of experiences, information and technical knowledge to promote investment in engineering and building that enhances both the built environment and the quality of life for all.


We thank Mr Dessoy for this release feeding FIEC "Video of the Month" section.

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