News 2024

5 November - Hearing of Commissioner-Designate Dan Jørgensen, Danish candidate for the Energy and Housing portfolio

Highlights from Brussels and the proposed College of the new European Commission led by Ursula von der Leyen:

FIEC was at the European Parliament to follow a very important moment for the confirmation of the composition and for the mandate of the next European Commission.

The Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) and Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL) committees of the European Parliament questioned Dan Jørgensen, Danish candidate for the Energy and Housing portfolio.


Some takeaways from the Hearing:

Speaking about the key priorities of his potential mandate, and starting from the commitment to bring down energy prices as the first one, Jorgensen stressed that «The 'European Affordable Housing Plan' will be about values, rules, investment and knowledge. People deserve affordable, sustainable and decent homes.» 

With focus on our industry and the sector as a whole, he continued that «Construction costs can decrease by cutting red tape and bureaucracy. The future 'Pan-European Investment Platform' will help financing this plan. And relevant stakeholders will be encouraged to share their best practices


Mission Letter published here.

You can watch the video recording of the full hearing here.


The committees’ chairs and political group coordinators will meet without delay to assess the performance and qualification of the Commissioner-designate. Based on the committee recommendations, the Conference of Presidents (EP President Roberta Metsola and political group chairs) is set to conduct the final evaluation and declare the hearings closed on 21 November. Once the Conference of Presidents declares all hearings closed, the evaluation letters will be published.
The election by MEPs of the full college of Commissioners (by a majority of the votes cast, by roll-call) is currently scheduled to take place during the 25-28 November plenary session in Strasbourg.

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