News 2022

FIEC and EFBWW Boards back 'in person' to Social Partners' roundtable

On 19 April, the two EU Social Partners, FIEC and EFBWW, representing the construction industry gathered at a high level meeting, held in person again, after the longlasting COVID crisis. 
Representatives from both Boards had the opportunity to discuss about the Ukraine war and table an exchange about its multiple impacts on the EU construction sector.
They also shared views about their common priority topics and how to further strengthen the Social Dialogue of the construction industry at EU level. 
FIEC President Thomas Bauer welcomed the resuming of this "vis-a-vis" gathering and called for its continuation on a regular basis. "It's good to meet and know each other in order to work well together", he said during the meeting.

#SocialDialoge  #Construction

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